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Friday 16 March 2012

21 Jump Street


For those of you familiar with my film reviews you will know I have a dislike for Channing Tatum's acting; for examples see The Eagle and Haywire
But he won me over in 21 Jump Street
It's great, go and see it!

You can read my review over on Cinetalk


  1. This is definitely a movie we didn't need but it's still hilarious mainly because of just how great Hill and Tatum are together. Also, if you're in high school, this film will definitely hit a lot closer to home with all of its painful honesty about how it is in today's day and age. Nice review. Check out mine when you can.

  2. When we are faced with so many lazy comedy films (Jack and Jill) this film was like a breath of fresh air to me. Thanks for taking the time to read my review. Thanks for alerting me to your site - I shall read your review now.
